The Siarter Iaith is a new and exciting scheme that is being adopted by schools in Powys! The Government aims to have 1 million people speaking Welsh by the year 2050! With the help of the schools… this is possible. Speaking Welsh is not just speaking welsh in the class, it means speaking Welsh in the corridors, on the yard and beyond the walls of the school – it means making an attempt to speak Welsh at every possible opportunity! It also means learning about our history and culture so that we can be aware of all the people who have fought for our country and our language throughout the ages – the people who have fought to keep the language alive for the benefit our generation and future generations. We have nominated a committee so that we can succeed in the Siarter’s requirements and so that we can start moving forwards with the hopes of the school. The enthusiasm is overwhelming within the school, the ideas are flowing and we can see success on the horizon.
Rap y Siarter
Siarad Cymraeg yn yr Ysgol – Ie
Siarad Cymraeg ar yr iard – Ie
Siarad Cymraeg yn y corridor – Ie
Siarad Cymraeg dros y lle
Cymraeg yw’r gorau
Ymlaen Dyffryn Trannon!